Webhook Structure

When Fera POSTs to a webhook URL it will include a JWT token as a jwt URL parameter.

JWT Token Param

This JWT token uses Standard HS256 (HMAC SHA256) encryption, and uses either of the following to encrypt:

  • your store's Secret Key (for store/account webhooks), or
  • your Partner Apps' Client Secret (for Partner Apps)

The JWT token tells you the following attributes:

webhook_idStringThe ID of the webhook resource model that was triggered.

Example: fweb_12Ab
event_nameString (Enum)The event name that is being triggered.

Example: fweb_12Ab
store_domainStringThe domain of the store (Fera account) that this webhook is being triggered for.

Example: fweb_12Ab
store_public_keyStringThe public key of the store (Fera account) that this webhook is being triggered for.

Example: pk_12ab
store_idStringThe ID of the store (Fera account) that this webhook is being triggered for.

Example: fsto_12AB
expIntegerA unix timestamp that represents when the JWT token expired.

Example: 1657750605

JWT tokens expire after 1 hour.

If you're processing the webhook request in a background job (which you totally should) then just make sure to do it within 1 hour of the webhook POST being made to your server.


When Fera triggers a webhook it will POST a JSON body of the resource that is being observed.

For example, a webhook POST body for the review_create would look something like this:

// POST https://eo4th63t3scwkbv.m.pipedream.net?jwt=123some.jwt.token321
  "id": "fRev_12ab",
  "state": "pending",
  "subject": "product",
  "is_verified": true,
  "is_test": false,
  "product_id": "fpro_12ab",
  "customer_id": "fcus_12ab",
  "rating": 4,
  "heading": "This is a great product!",
  "body": "This is a great product! I love it!"
  // ... etc