
This page will help you get started with Fera API. You'll be up and running in a jiffy!

Welcome to the Fera Developer Docs! πŸ‘‹

These docs will help you customize Fera for your client or build awesome integrations with your existing apps and services.

Fera has 2 Main APIs:

  • Private API:For building server-side (backend) integrations/customizations
  • Public API For building storefront (frontend) integrations/customizations
    • The main way to interface with the Public API is with Fera.js.

We also have a Partner API for Fera partners to access public review and rating info easily.

Example use cases:

You're a...You want to...API
Backend DeveloperIntegrate Fera with a merchant's internal systemPrivate API
Frontend DeveloperCreate custom storefront widgets that display customer reviews, photos and videos.Fera.js (Public API)
App DeveloperCreate a Fera App that merchant's can install into their Fera account to integrate Fera with your app.Private API
Fera PartnerIntegrate your theme with Fera.Shopify Rating Metafields
Fera.js (Public API)
Fera PartnerEasily grab public review data from a store using Fera.Partner API
Fera.js (Public API)
Fera PartnerMake changes to reviews or manage a merchant's private reviews store data.Private API
(Via app OAuth)